Sunday, September 26, 2010

Two weeks

So I'm two weeks in, and nothing. Nada. Zilch. When it comes to good jobs, I might as well be living in employment Siberia. Really. (Those of you who know me well know that I tend to exaggerate. But seriously, I am having a rough time.)
One of the biggest problems is that I really have no idea what I want to do right now. Do I want to take another dead-end job? Not really. But do I want to settle into a job that pays the bills, if I hate every second of it? Nah. What about just settling for anything that pays decently and has benefits? Maybe, if there were any jobs like that. But there aren't. And it's beginning to look like I may have to just settle for anything. Even if I hate it. Even if going to work every day makes me sad. Because let's face it, I have student loans. And a cell phone bill. And I am going to need a car at some point that isn't a huge red van that guzzles mid-grade gas. So what do I do? Wait for a better job to come along, or take whatever opens up, regardless? I don't know yet, but I hope to find some direction soon! In the meantime, I am trying to stay busy by getting back into the single's scene! I attend one of the local single's wards, and I have tried to show my support at FHE, ward choir, and all other activities, as well as attending Institute choir and classes. It has helped a bit, to be anxiously engaged in something. But I have still felt really lonely here at home. Hopefully I can make some new friends and visit my old friends soon! I miss having friends! It's a good thing I have so many all over, because I could practically drive cross country and never stay in a hotel! I may do that one day, just so you guys know... :)


  1. I suggest taking any job that opens up but then always keep your eyes open for something better. That's what I did- 6 months of HELL at JCPenny but now I have a job at an elementary school and I love it!

  2. "I could practically drive cross country and never stay in a hotel!"

    DO IT!!!!
