Monday, August 3, 2009

Getting Ready for...LIFE!

Okay, well, so much has happened lately! On Thursday, July 23rd, I graduated from college. Yep, I did it! I never thought it would happen, but lo and behold, I have a Bachelor's Degree! And it only took me the four years that are usually allotted for that kind of thing. It still has to sink in that I will never have to go back to Idaho again! But I am very grateful for everything I got out of the wonderful years I spent in Rexburg. I have some of the most amazing friends that I will love for life, and I have life experiences that will help me be a better person. For that I am eternally grateful!

After graduation, my family and I drove down to Utah for a couple of family reunions. Saturday was the Poulton Reunion, for my Mother's Father's Mother's family. It is always a fun time, and I was happily accompanied by my very best friend Casey Van Wagenen. We then spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and watching our favorite chick flick. I am going to miss her so much this next year!

Sunday was the beginning of the Eddington/Smiley Reunion in Alpine, Ut. We spent Monday going to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house, and it was beautiful!

After that, we went to a famous Mexican joint in downtown Salt Lake called the Red Iguana.

My brother Westin had seen it on the Food network and wanted to go, so we checked it out. It was great food, and had a really laid back atmosphere. We had a great dinner, and headed back to Alpine for another reunion function that included some extended family on the Eddington side.

Tuesday was Lagoon day. it was so much fun! I haven't been in a while, so I had to catch up on all the newest attractions. I went on Wicked twice, and holy cow! It was exhilarating! It also gave me a headache. But hey, all in the name of a thrill! Haha. The day was amazing, racing down water slides that give you a killer wedgie, eating amusement park food, and roller coasters; who could ask for more?

Wednesday we all headed up to Mount Timp for a picnic and hike. I wasn't able to go on the hike to the caves, as I had promised Bethany, a very good friend of mine from American Fork, that I would go to Institute with her. We had a wonderful lesson, and then went back to my Aunt's home for a bonfire and S'mores.

Thursday was a day of goodbyes as I prepared to fly back home to Colorado for my final week in the states. My sister-in-law, Natalie, picked me and Jordan (my little brother) and took us back to her place to wait for Adam. Once he got there, we drove back home to the Springs.

I know I probably am loading this post with way too much, but hey, I may not get to it again for a while, so what the heck.

Friday was a down day after so much travel. Saturday rolled around, and we went to see G-Force in the theatre. I couldn't understand why my Dad wanted to see it, and after seeing it, I still can't. But at least now he doesn't either. :)

Sunday I attended the single's ward in town in which I have several aquaintances. It was fun to see all of them again, but I won't miss the single's ward here. I can't wait to meet all the singles in Gremany! My Uncle's parents are on their missin in Munich right now, and have been telling me all about the ward there. I am getting so anxious to get there already! After church I made a killer dinner using a recipe I learned at school. My family loved it, and I was happy they did! I guess I am always happy to please people with my talents!

Today my Mom and I did some shopping. I hate spending my parent's money, but they do have much mor of it than I do. I got some shoes, and a sweet bag for traveling. I am looking forward to using all of it in Germany!

Okay, that's it for now! Pretty boring stuff, I know. It should get more exciting in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. It's not boring stuff, that sounds like a lot of fun! Although, truthfully, I'm way excited to hear about next week!!!!

    Sad to hear about your excavator-needs at Lagoon. lol. Guess what? I went off the diving board at our community pool! Okay, so it was the small one, but still! It was totally exhilarating. And excavator-worthy. Right after that I was in line for the high dive. Look how daring I am! I wasn't able to go off it, because we had to leave. But still, ya know?
