Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 1

This is the most recent picture I have. Yes, I do realize that wearing a Star Wars apron is nerdy, but there is a pretty good story of why I am wearing it and standing in front of a case of large knives. That story will be shared with anyone who is really interested in hearing it, but right now, I have to tell you 15 things about me.

1. I don't actually know what color my hair is. Last time it was it's natural color, I was 14. I assume it is still blonde.
2. I am extremely ticklish, and no, you do not need to test that.
3. I have a Bachelors Degree from BYU-Idaho.
4. I live in Colorado Springs, CO.
5. I have moved a total of 12 times, beginning when I was 3 days old.
6. I learned to ride a bike (sans training wheels) before my older brother did.
7. I cannot eat lettuce. Not won't. Can't.
8. If you put pineapple on your pizza, we can't be friends. Or grapes in your chicken salad. Ew.
9. My favorite band is Death Cab for Cutie.
10. I have always loved horses, and took several riding classes in college. Wanna barrel race? I'll take you down.
10. I love driving in the car with friends. Especially when I'm headed to somewhere fun, like Utah or Idaho.
11. I hate riding in the car with my family. Especially if it's more than an hour drive.
12. I can bake the best cupcakes you've ever had. Just ask anyone. They're amazing.
13. I love to cook for people. LOVE.
14. I read a lot. I can read five or six large books a week if I'm in the mood.
15. My favorite food is falafel. It's pretty much the best thing ever.

That's all for today folks!

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